Thursday, November 1, 2007

Contact Info

Hey there, cookie! 

My very favorite part of blogging, I mean besides the SUGAR, is the connection and friendship with other bloggers and bakers and readers.  Since starting the blog, I've tried to be diligent about answering emails.  Unfortunately, balancing baking, blogging, picture editing, volunteering and playing Uno with my boys doesn't leave much time for email (or cleaning the baseboards).  I've thought of making my kiddo my "email assistant," but really, a reply from a tween-age boy might be scary.

So, please know that I still LOVE to hear from you and see your cookie pictures.  It pains me to say that I can't respond to every email.  Hopefully the answers you need are on the blog (see links below).


{...also try the search bar in the upper right corner of the blog}

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading the blog! ♥

Email: cookies350{AT}gmail{DOT}com

{The BEST way to ask a quick cookie question or to say hey, reach out to me on twitter.}

If you'd like to subscribe to Bake at 350, click here.

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