Tuesday, May 5, 2009


My First Award EVEER !!. hahaa ~

maklum gue kan baru nge'blog. =)

The Friendship Award was given by Echa, aww tnxx yahh, my 1st award lohh. =D

The reason why he gave me the award, he said because my blog inspired him to write.

Awwwh, you inspired me too ~

So the rules for the award are ..

  1. Put this badge in your awesome blog

  2. Award this badge to 8 bloggers whom you think are inspirational and friendly.

  3. Make sure you put the recipients' names here, along with their links.

  4. Let them know about this.

In return, i want to pass the award to these following bloggers,

  1. Echa ☃ i return this back to you because i ♥ your indie style. =D

  2. Ananda ☃ i give this to you for good luck to become the new journalists (at least that's what i read in your facebook =D)

  3. Madeline ☃ becase i partied with you, you are my new friend dear..

  4. Nochan ☃ because you make me HUNGRY everytime i read your blog. =D

  5. Vorega ☃ because i ♥ your taste of fashion. =D

  6. Wina ☃ because you added me in FB. hahaa.

  7. Enjii ☃ because i ♥ your blog layout. & you play RC, add mee ~

  8. Wifina ☃ because your blog is so yummy. =D

that's my tagg. enjooy.

i want to tagg everybody's link in my blog, but the rules says i can only put 8 of them.

next time, it's everybody elses turn.


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