Saturday, August 1, 2009

♥ My Love Story - Part 1 ♥

do you still remember the first time you fell in love?

the very first time you felt the "ouh" the day you met him?

well i do..

the first time i fell in love, was the only time i have ever fell in love.

i fell once, & that's about it.

it started 4 years ago..

the very first time i met him was at my old high-school in china.

he was the new student who just got back from America.

i remembered, he was wearing all white with a white cap.

he was so cold, he barely smile. i thought he was arrogant, or probably was too shy.

i remembered thinking of excuses to talk to him, i was very into it that the first time we actually talked was when i offered him a gum.

the next thing i knew, we both tried to flirt with each others.

oh how foolish, but very beautiful.

the very big step that he took was the bet.

we made a bet, if there wasn't going to be any biology exams that he would win & i would have to hang out with him.

of course i knew that there wasn't going to be any exam. i have even pack my clothes to exchange it after school.


we went to a cafe that day, it was called RBT. soon after that cafe have turned into one of the witness of our foolish love. :)

summer palace was one of the place that i will always treasured in my heart.

it was no doubt, the most beautiful moment i have ever had in my life, even until now.

i don't even know how to pour it into words. everytime i remember those moment, i just want to smile & cry in the same time. :)

that day, the very first time we hang out together, we just talked & talked.

he was like "i liked somebody in our school. i really liked the girl"

i was like "really, who was that? tell me!! i would hook you up!" hahaa of course i already knew that the girl would be ME.

there were no other girl in my school other than me & the other 5 girls.

i guess i didn't want to admitted right away that it was me because i thought it was a little bit too soon & i was too shy & unprepared.

that day, we laughed, laughed & joke around.

when we were sitting on the edge of the fake beachs in summer palace, he threw his head on my shoulder.

most of our friends were there, & they have been very supportive. :)

he then picked me up & was about to threw me off to the pool. of course he was joking. :)

when we were all watching TV, he steal the moment & grab my hands for a loong time.

it was very awkward, but maaan, how could i explained this without sounded lame?

it was beautiful..

on the way back home with taxi, somehow they were playing love songs.

he laid his head over my shoulder & we were just quiet most of the time.

the quiet moment was somehow magical. very magical, we fell in love forever because of that.

i really think i was living in a dream when i was in china.

i honestly think i was.

i was happy, really happy.

i swear, the look in his eyes, it stabs me right through my heart.

i am not a mellow lover kind of girl at all, but i really meant it, his eyes really did stabbed me.

his smiles would just make anybody's day better. especially me.

i was a douche girl back then. i wasn't sweet at all.

i was a lame emo back then. lol. laugh, but it's true.

but no matter how screwed up i was, no matter how bad mood i was into, he never gave up.

he never fkkin gave up to cheered me up. he never fkken complaint.

it has never ocurred on his mind that he could have left me with my lame emo life.

he never fkken stop loving me. although how hard i was being to him.

he just want one thing, to see me, & that's all.

he said he wouldn't wanna miss 1 second to not see me. & he did.

he tried his best to see me without missing any seconds, but of course we had to separate when we went back to our own home.

i remember that i had to stay up one night to finish my assigments.

he went online & told me not to worry because he would accompany me.

he turned on his cam & sleep on the couch just so i felt like he was accompanying me.


i remember when i told him that we had to quit hanging around much when we were having examinations.

i told him that we should not see each others much for about a week.

he then with his childish act asked for 10 seconds.

i was like "for what?"

he then hugged me for 10 seconds like a little kid, it was the cutest thing ever. :)

i remember we used to have this diary.

we would write anything that we felt & thoughts on that diary.

we took our turns.

sometimes one of us would write 20 pages in a day. hahaa.

i remember when i had to move to Makassar for the first time, he then followed me & surprised me.

he flew to Makassar a month after i got there.

he would flew later on again to see me furthermore.

i remember he would come see me although he was just looking from outside the window of my apartment.

he said he missed me & had to see me.

he came with bus!! in china!! :)

there is nobody else that could proof love as better as he does.

no guys would make me so happy as he does.


we have our own love songs, i would cried automatically to hear them. i don't even know why.

Screaming Infidelities - Dashboard Confessional

Sweetest Goodbye - Maroon 5

To Her With Love - Kara's Flower

here are some of our old pictures..

to be continue..

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