Sunday, November 8, 2009

Revolution in designer jewelry industry

Imagine what it would feel like to know that the diamond necklace you swooned for while flipping through the pages of recent Bazaar can be yours and that too for almost half the price! Alternatively, just imagine the look on the face of a woman who paid millions for a particular piece of jewelry and she sees it another woman wearing it!
CZ jewelryWith the innovation of CZ jewelry, this was made possible long ago. However, designers adopted this gem a little later. It was in the year of 1892 that this was discovered. At that time, the scientist thought of using it as a substitute of diamond in lasers and optical equipments. Soon the scientists of USSR found that it is worth as a substitute of diamond in jewelry. In addition, in the year of 1976 it was first used commercially. It picked up quite soon in the market; in 1980 50 million carats were produced. Moreover, since then it has hit like a revolution in the jewelry industry. It is a delight to the jewelry designers and legendary design houses.

Cubic zirconia is a hit amongst those designers who work with the junk jewelry or any other type of jewelry apart from the traditional. A real diamond gets too expensive for them to invest in. In addition, their clientele cannot pay for a huge diamond piece. They can conveniently use this cubic zirconia and produce some very new and different designs with the help of these. The consumers who are looking for ‘Bling’ can be satisfied with the help of this invention. You can get some cool one-piece huge stones, which you can’t even dream of, in real diamond. Moreover, if the quality of the stone is anyhow your concern then just soothe your nerves it will be impeccable. The quality of a good cubic zirconia is comparable to that of a‘d’ standard diamond.

The use of this stone is not only restricted to jewelry it can be used in anything wherever you need a substitute of diamond be it handbags, clips, or lasers!

Search Labels: CZ bracelets, CZ rings

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