Monday, June 7, 2010

The Best of Linens

There is nothing better than cozying up under the covers during a rainstorm or on a hot afternoon. These bed linens from SFERRA are absolutely lovely and inviting I also have a guest blog today!

Floral Heaven


Beautiful table linens can also be found at SFERRA.  These two collections are from the Kelly Wearsler line.

SFERRA also has beautiful, thick, absorbent towels.

As most of you know, I love linens.  This is just one of the selections I am fond of.  I have other posts on linens and their care in my archive if you are interested.

Visit my son's blog here.

Now on to Embracing Etiquette with Teresa...

Dealing with Rudeness

“For a word of only four letters, ‘rude’ has more than its share of meanings, ranging from in-your-face aggressiveness to insults so subtle they don’t hit you until hours later. But the source of rudeness is always the same; a simple lack of courtesy and respect”.

“A speeder tailgates you on the freeway. An acquaintance asks about your salary. A man you’ve just met makes suggestive remarks about your figure. The woman at the cash register fails to even acknowledge your presence, much less say ‘thank you.’ On the surface these acts are very different, but at the bottom they all qualify as rude.”

“To understand rudeness, you need to see through its many games. It’s worth noting the myriad ways that people get under one another’s skin.”--- Emily Post

The next few posts with be on aspects of rudeness and the proper response.

See you soon,



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