Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Brownie Batter Ice Cream ( and a giveaway! )

Have you heard of Naturally Nora?  Naturally Nora is a line of baking mixes, such as cake, frosting and brownie, that is all-natural with no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. What's more? They're really yummy!

Naturally Nora sent me a (big!) box of their goodies and wants to send one to a Bake at 350 reader, too!

{There is something very exciting about a box full of baking mixes arriving on your doorstep!}

I love to bake from scratch, but I'm not opposed to using a boxed mix....sometimes I need a little help!

So far, we've made Chocolate Chunk Brownies (no picture as we ate them all too fast), cupcakes from the ALot'a Dots cake and frosting mix and Brownie Batter ice cream from the regular brownie mix.  I think I'm using the next box of cake mix & frosting to make Pumpkin Spice Cake Truffles!

Everything has been delicious!  And my boys went ga-ga over this ice cream!
Brownie Batter Ice Cream

{modified from Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream Book 's French Vanilla}

1 tsp. vanilla

1/2 tsp. instant espresso powder

2 eggs (pasteurized if you'd like)

3/4 c. sugar

2 c. heavy cream

1 c. milk

1 c. brownie mix

Combine the vanilla and espresso powder, set aside.

Whisk the eggs 1-2 minutes until light and fluffy.  Add the sugar a little at a time, whisking until completely blended.  Once all the sugar is added, whisk for 1 minute more. 

Add in the cream, milk, vanilla/espresso and brownie mix.  Whisk until smooth. 

At this point, the mixture can be refrigerated until ready to use or transferred to an ice cream maker.  Follow the manufacturer's instructions for freezing.

To enter the giveaway for a box of goodies from Naturally Nora:

  • visit Naturally Nora and leave a comment here with the mix you'd most like to try,

  • for an EXTRA entry, tweet about the giveaway and leave a separate comment letting me know that you did: " Win a goodie box of Naturally Nora all-natural baking mixes from @bakeat350tweets http://ow.ly/2L8xP! "

A winner will be randomly chosen October 3rd at 8pm CST.  Good luck & happy baking! :)

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