Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Two things you should know . . .

#1...I've adopted.  That's right.  Only Mr. E doesn't know. ;)

I adopted a blogger through Adopt-a-Blogger and her name is Liz.  Her blog is called Little Bitty Bakes and she and her blog are adorable!

Not only does Liz bake, she runs!  Check out her 26-ingredient Marathon Cookies!  (I like people who combine their exercise with a healthy dose of sugar!)

Pumpkin-Apple Fritters, yes please!

So, go on over to Little Bitty Bakes and say hi!

#2....Wanna compete in a cookie making contest?  

The contest is being sponsored by Sweet Cuppin Cakes and runs through December 10th.  There are categories for Children, Teen and Adult.  More info is here.  And, you can upload your cookie pictures to this group on Flickr.

You-know-who is judging!!!  (And I'm *not* open to bribes...that's right, even if you want to try with a chocolate spa package at the Hotel Hershey, it won't work.  But you can certainly try.)

I know I said "two things," but here's one more little tidbit.  Friday is Bake at 350's 3-year birthday.  And there is a PRIZE.  A BIG PRIZE.  A BEAUTIFUL BIG PRIZE...and it's for one of YOU!  Come back Friday! :) 

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