Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Confirmation Cookies . . .

There is something so sweet about a dove cookie.  Maybe it's the occasions they represent?  I've made them before for a baptism.  A friend's son is getting confirmed this week and these are for his confirmation class.

I really love the way the personalized ones came out. I think everyone likes to see their name on a cookie, don't you?

Wanna make 'em for a special occasion of your own?

Here's what you need:


Using a  #2 tip, outline the cookie in white royal icing. 

Thin the white icing (reserve a bit for later) with water, a little at a time, until it is the consistency of thick syrup.  Cover with a damp dishtowel and let sit several minutes.

Stir gently with a rubber spatula to pop any large air bubbles that have formed. Transfer to a squeeze bottle.

Fill in the outlined cookie with the flood icing.  Use a toothpick to spread into sides and corners.

Let sit 1 hour.


With the reserved white icing and #1 tip, add detail on wings, tail and add an eye.   Personalize, if you want.

Using another #2 tip, pipe the branch in leaf green.

With a #1 or 2 tip, pipe yellow flowers on the branches.

Let dry overnight before packaging.

Happy Confirmation, Matthew. :)

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