Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Editors' Note: It's JUNE & BIG THANKS!

"Breathe. Let go.
And remind yourself that this very moment
is the only one you know you have for sure.”
{Orpah Winfrey}

This month my editors' note is going to be a little different & I hope you all are okay with it.

I have to take this moment to say THANK YOU. As always, I thank our readers, our followers on Twitter, fans on Facebook, our amazing sponsors and well, everyone that supports cupcakeMAG. Well, this month, I truly have been beyond humbled with all of your love, support and most of all - prayers. There were times where I was at a complete lost for words with the outpouring of support to get me through a very tough and difficult time.

{Sadie Sara Grace}

For those of you who don't know - I welcomed Sadie 6 weeks early on May 10th. Thankfully, Sadie didn't struggle long and soon showed us she was a fighter after spending 3 weeks in the NICU. We feel so blessed and we learned one thing - Sadie has a serious cupcakeMAG fan club! Thank you to everyone who has sent things for Sadie. Your kindness makes my heart melt. We can't thank you enough for all of your prayers and support through Sadie's journey the last few weeks.

The tweets left me speechless and at times, in tears. The emails and comments on Facebook lifted me up as I spent hours in the NICU waiting for the day they said Sadie was going to be just fine. I remember even reading tweets to my darling hubs & he was even just, shocked. It is absolutely amazing how much support I have received from my amazing cupcakeMAG readers. I really, don't know how to thank you all so much for supporting cupcakeMAG & for caring about our little cupcake. You all are truly just....amazing.

God Bless...and thank you.

{Sadie in a SheShe Made gown I purchased months before her arrival}

{how can you not love it!}

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