Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Week of Inspiration :: Day 2 :: Business smarts

Paul and Holly of Paul Rich Studio

When I used to make hair piece for myself and family/friends only, I never thought of ever making pieces as my main occupation. I thought I was going to be a scientist forever. It amazes me still to look back and see the huge steps I took to get to where I am today. I usually plan very far out and hardly take risks... very type A personality. I remember telling my dad on the phone that I was planning to leave my research position to do twigs & honey full time and he first went, "oh, okay..." and then, "uh, what??" It took guts, I tell you! Jumping into the unknown head first.

Possibly unbeknownst to them, Paul Rich Studio was a huge motivator for me to take that huge step from employee to self-employed. They were so encouraging and so right with everything... before, during and after our wedding. I remember when Matt and I went to one of their soirees in early 2008, soon after we were married, and it was just a few days after I listed my first piece on Etsy. I told Paul and Holly and their reaction surprised me. So supportive and really great with their suggestions. Both Paul and Holly are so wonderfully successful in their occupations and their business savvy was invaluable. Paul mentioned that I should consider the possibility of doing twigs & honey full-time. I think Matt and I thought it was a tad premature/nutty, but it got the wheels turning. Paul also gave me a huge tip. He said that when your side job is making about 80% of your main job, that's the sign that you need to do what you love full-time. Perhaps it was some great psychic power, but after that talk, twigs & honey started to takeoff.

As the weeks went by, I really started to realize that I couldn't keep both my full-time job and twigs & honey demands (I literally slept 0-3 hours a night!). Throughout, Paul and Holly really believed that it would definitely payoff for me to go for it, and by March, twigs & honey was reaching the break even point with my full-time job and I put my paperwork in, gave my final notice to my employer and as cliche as it sounds, the rest is history. Since then, they continue to be a great source of inspiration and always have the best tips and advice. Paul and Holly are some of the hardest working people I know and I always love hearing about their personal successes and watching their work reach a greater audience and gain deserved recognition. Thank you so much you two!!!

Some of Holly's work:

Holly's work is stunning. You must visit her website to view her work by clicking here.
Photo credits: Holly Andres

Beautiful work from Paul Rich Studio:

I have to show some more gorgeous photos from my sister's wedding. Visit the Paul Rich Studio blog to view their slideshow or click here. By the way, Amy & Sean's wedding was so beautiful and can you believe their wedding budget was well under $10,000?! There were so many lovely details, so be sure to check it out!!

The rest of Amy & Sean's wedding photos are up in the proofing gallery. Go to Paul Rich Studio and then to "proofs" and to "Amy & Sean". Or, just click here. You can also view Matt & Myra wedding photos by clicking here. Lovely!!

Photo credits: Paul Rich Studio

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