Wednesday, July 28, 2010

a candid look --- getting to know the cupcakeMAG editor

Just recently we all have been getting to know the cupcakeMAG team and many of you are asking more about me, the cupcakeMAG editor. So, I have decided to let you take a peek inside my life and get to know me upclose & personal.

1. I can't go to sleep with the tv on. I must have complete dark & silence.

2. I still Tivo Friends even thoght I have the complete series on DVD.

3. Every week I pick up all the weeklies, Ok!, UsWeekly, People, InTouch, Life&Style - it is a must.

4. I am anal, for example, my couch pillows have to be placed a certain way.

5. My youngest daughter, Kennadi Audrey Monroe, was indeead names after 3 Hollywood Fashion Icons. Jackie Kennedy, Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe.

(Kennadi, pictured here at 2 months old)

6. Before cupcakeMAG, I managed, did inventory, & buying for a high-end boutique Sugar in Washington, DC - the store was my life & I still miss it daily.

7. I absolutely adore Toaster Strudels.

8. When I go to NY the first thing I do is buy a soft pretzel from a vendor.

9. Before boarding an airplane I spend at least $50 on magazines as the newsstand. I can't fly without the newest mags on the shelf.

10. I still get sucked into watching Saved by the Bell & Full House with my 7 year old. Sometimes, I even sit through an episode willingly by myself. Shhhh, its a secret.

11. Before I knew my husband would be my husband - I made fun of him & thought he was a big dork for buying me a Pepsi before class every day in high-school.

(the darling in Malibu)
12. I despise sushi, despise it.

13. When I met J.Alexander from Americas Next Top Model, he made fun of me for being short and put his elbow on my head. I am only 5 feet tall.

14. My name is pronounced KC - even though it is spelled like Cassie. I never correct anyone I am so used to it.

15. I can only snap with my right hand. No double snapping here!

16.I hate drinking water. I know, its bad but I always forget to drink it unless it is in a Fiji bottle.

17. My dogs sometimes push my hubs out of bed.

18. I love football and am a big fan of the Washington Redskins since I was born in Washington, DC. I have never missed a game!

19. I hate beans. I always say I am allergic.

20. I don't drink coffee unless it is a Starbucks Caramel Frapp. Diet Coke is my coffee every am.

21. If I could I would pick up and move to Beverly Hills. I am a California girl at heart and obsessed with LA.

(Malibu, California - my favorite beach in the world)

22. I secretly would love to be Martha Stewart.Cooking, crafts and party planning -- three of my favorite things!

23. I absolutely LOVE playing Monopoly and get really upset if I can't buy Boardwalk.

24. I only eat French toast with cottage cheese on it. Yes, it's a polish thing. 

25. My biggest fear is dying. Can't talk about it, can't think about it. Just don't like the fact that I don't have control.

Surprised?! Well I hope you still will be big fans of cupcakeMAG even after this candid look into my life! As always, thank you for all the love, support and praise you have given us!

Lots of love!

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