Saturday, July 31, 2010

♥♥ Happy Anniversary - 31st July 2010 @ E&O Hotel, Georgetown ♥♥


HELLOOOOO!! how are you all doing?

YES! I am backkkkkk~~ what a long holiday huhh it's been more than 2 months since I've been gone.

I already start my post with the Giveaway that I have won these past 2 months and now I'm sharing the good news which - yesterday was my 3th Anniversary with Hney. LOVE IS IN THE AIR ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ;)

well, actually we have been together for about 4years but then we broke up for a about a year and got together again in 2008. then, we count the 2008 as the real start for us. ;)

uh it's complicated isn't it..

31st July - we already made plans to go out for some candlelight dinner. there are some places that we took for consideration but then since we both are food lovers why not go to some nice buffet?

we did our research in the morning and phoned a few local friends (we're foreigners in this country) to get some advices.

so we then decided to make the reservations at the E&O Hotel or The Eastern & Oriental Hotel. a colonial-style hotel in Penang that was established in 1885 by the Armenian Sarkies Brothers. The sea-fronting hotel is known for its luxurious accommodation and restaurants.

we arrived there 30minutes early and I took a few pictures around the beautiful hotel.. 

our table was outdoor caz we thought it would be more romantic to sit outside away from most people. just enjoying the scenery and candlelight ;)

after sunset, the buffet begins..

(the interior)

(cheese bar)

(sushi bar)

(salmon sashimi)

(seafood bar)

 (duck, chicken, meat bar)

(soup bar)

(pasta bar)

(chef's specialty)

(bakery bar)

(herbs bar)

(salad bar)

(fruits bar)

 (strawberry & CHOCOLATEEEE fountain!! *screams*)

(desserts bar - the part that I'm really looking forward too!)

this is only half of the food at the buffet caz I really don't have much time to take pics of all of them. LOL.
I was too busy eating ;)
but anyway, I had so much fun! thank you HNEY! <3
I love you even moreee *mwaaahh* ♥♥

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