Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cookies for The Mercy House

Mr. E and I have moved A LOT. We've also been blessed by some wonderful neighbors.

In Dallas, we had retirees on both sides.  Mae, who brought us veggies and roses from her garden.  Joanne and Randall...she made pies and homemade ice cream and always shared. Randall...he, who spied me standing on a ladder trying to beat the pecans out of our trees with a rake, very sweetly came over to tell me they would fall when they were ready.

Alabama is where I met Lisa.  Lisa...who brought us chocolate chip cookies the day we moved in.  Lisa who invited kiddo & me to lunch at her house and didn't blink an eye when kiddo wasn't *quite so* potty-trained and also made off with a toy from her son's room.  Lisa...my sweet, sweet friend who I could call right now and we could pick up right where we left off.

And now, we're here.  You know those people you see on the news and read about in the paper.  GOOD people who do BIG things...and you think, "who are those people?"  Those people are our neighbors. Kristen, of We are THAT Family, her husband and her kiddos.

Kristen went to Africa this year and she was moved.  MOVED. She knew they were called to do something and they are DOING IT.  What's it?  They are starting a maternity home in Kenya called The Mercy House.

" The Mercy House exists to provide alternative options for pregnant girls living in the streets of Kenya. The Mercy House will aid them in nutrition, housing, prenatal care, counseling and job skills for sustainable living."

I'll let Kristen tell you more about it here...and here.

Besides direct donations, The Mercy House will be supported by an etsy shop.  And I'm pleased as punch to have cookies play a small part in it.  (There is also a link in the sidebar.)

Normally, I don't think of polka dots when I think of Africa. But, I wanted the cookies to be hopeful and beautiful, because I think that's what Kristen and her family are bringing to Africa.  Hope. Beauty. Love. 

We may offer other designs as time goes by, but for now, please take a few minutes to read about The Mercy House and visit the shop.

{There is also a giveaway going on over at We are THAT Family today.  Pop on over.  I think you'll be glad you did.}

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