Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bloggers We Love: Liz Franco of SrslyLiz

By:  Elizabeth Seever


Writer: Liz Franco

Why we LOVE: Her style posts are fab, her link bytes are silly and inventive, her food posts make us hungry and her mom is so sweet!! Oh and her dog is lovely.
CupcakeMag: How did you get started with your blog? 
Liz Franco: I started my blog in October of 2008 and it started out as just a way to infuse both my passion for writing & to keep family and friends in the loop. I never would have dreamed I'd be this immersed in the blogging community...but I'm glad I am.

CM: How many readers do you have on average a month? 
LF: As of today I have 360 subscribers & average about 6,500 visits to my blog per month. I think its nuts that 360 care about what I have to say. It's extremely flattering and I'm grateful for all of my readers.

CM: What blogs do you have in your google reader? 
LF:I don't user Google Reader! I used to, but it became extremely overwhelming. I subscribed to so many blogs and would have several hundred posts to read daily & I just couldn't keep up with it anymore. Now I just keep a list of my daily reads {which you can find on my blog} and make a point to visit new blogs every day. If you leave a comment I am sure to go and take a look at your site too.

CM: Did you go to college? 
LF:After I graduated high school I went straight to a 4 year university to get my Communications degree, but left after one year. My whole academic life I'd been sort of a nerd--honor courses, straight A's, etc. but once I got to college I felt burnt out. I just didn't feel like college was right for me and was prepared to educate myself in whatever I chose to do.

CM: What is your inspiration for blog entries? 
LF: I'm inspired by people & things in my every day life, other bloggers, music & good design. If there's anything I feel strongly about it usually makes it onto my blog.
CM: What do you do in your free time? 
LF: I enjoy reading, riding my bicycle, going on adventures with my mister, hanging out with friends, football season & cooking up new recipes. Also, all of my freelance design work is done in my free time. I'm a very busy bee!

CM: Do you have a guilty pleasure? 
LF: Absolutely. Gossip Girl, indie pop-punk & potato chips--just to name a few :)

CM: Describe your style.
LF: I would describe my style as something along the lines of comfortable chic. I love dressing up & wearing heels but 90% of the time I'm happiest in a vintage sundress & my moccasins. I'm excited for Autumn because it's my favorite season to be styled in. Dresses + tights + boots + cardi's. I can't wait!

CM: What is up next for you? 
LF: My main goal at the moment is to finish preparing my online vintage shoppe Little Gray Suitcase and launch in early October. (editors note: it opens tomorrow!!) I've been working on it for months & it's although it's been a lot of work, I'm having a lot of fun taking on this new direction in my life & career. Even if I never sell a single thing it won't be a waste because I've learned so much about starting a business and myself in the process.
CM: What tips to you have for other bloggers to "make it" in the blogging world? 
LF: The one thing I can't stress enough is to be yourself. It's so easy to get caught up in the narcissism that is inevitable in The Blogosphere. By being yourself and coming up with original content, that will come across to people and they will keep coming back for more.

Liz's workspace

Ten Things on Liz:

1. I am 100% Mexican & speak fluent Spanish
2. I have a strange phobia of two things; roadkill & praying mantises 
3. My favorite food is mashed potatoes
4. I am terribly bad at math
5. My dog looks like an ewok
6. My favorite color is seafoam green
7. I name mostly everything, including my car {Ariel} & my bicycle {Lily}
8. I'm a super girly-girl but am also a huge sports fanatic. My favorites are football & hockey.
9. Tequila shots are my favorite.
10. I'm the oldest of 5 girls & am very close with my family. My mom is my best friend.

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