Thursday, October 28, 2010

OOPS! Winners from the Now You're Cooking blog hop!!!!

Please scroll down for my Delightful Challenges post!!!

Thanks so much to Bobbie for reminding me to get my winners posted for the Magnolia-licious Now You're Cooking blog hop!!!  Check below for some important info for you helping me! So here we go....

Winner of the recipe card is.....

#71 Chris !!!

Chris said...

I gained three pounds just reading the recipe! This card is just fabulous, Sharon! I love the warmth you've given it. It's beautiful! Someone is going to be a very lucky girl - I hope it is me as I would be so honored to have this work of art! I'd probably frame it and hang it in my kitchen!



And the winner of the blog candy is....

#68 Marlene !!!

Marlene said...

What an adorable little recipe card!! Please feel free to send it to me...along with some chocolate chip cookies. Thank you. heehee


Ok ladies, please send me your addresses so I can get your goodies out to you! And a huge thanks to everyone!!  Bobbie, since you were gracious enough to remind me, but didn't win, send me your address and I'll get a little something out to you especially from me!  Have a fabulous day! Hugs!

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