Sunday, February 20, 2011

Modern Bird Studios (very cool giveaway!)

It may come as a shock, but occasionally I think of things other that food.  (Usually, these thoughts come while I'm snacking.)

Anyway....I ran across Modern Bird Studios over at Today's Creative Blog one day and was just blown away.

This husband and wife team take a photograph and TRANSFORM it into the coolest art piece using wood and paint.

{Not only do they produce these incredible works of art, but Gregg & Megan are just some of the funniest people around.  They even interviewed me for their blog....ever wondered who would win a cage match between powdered sugar and granulated sugar?  We discuss.}

To say that I love our piece from Modern Bird is an understatement.  Seeing it in person, my husband & I were just amazed by how cool it turned out.

We used this picture of kiddo:

And here is the finished product from Modern Bird:

Wow, right?  It's in our office and it makes me so happy every time I see it. 

SO.  Modern Bird Studios is offering one winner a $250 gift certificate!!!  Wow!

To enter (required):

Want extra entries?  Yes, you do. (Leave a separate comment for each.):

{Open to US and Canada. Previous winners not eligible. Winner will be chosen Thursday, February 24th, 8pm CST.}

Want to make a purchase now?  Enter code BAKEAT350 for a 15% discount.

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