Monday, February 21, 2011

Sisters & Cupcakes: The Perfect Combo, Chatting with star sisters of TLC's DC Cupcake! Plus win a DOZEN cupcakes!

FABulous sisters, Sophie and Katherine run one of the most successful cupcake bakeries in Washington, DC known as "Georgetown Cupcake." Trading their corporate jobs for a sweeter gig - their passion for baking the best cupcakes around. The line is constantly out the door and around the corner as cupcake lovers stand in line for the perfect cupcake. And yes, we mean perfect! The cupcake menu is drool worthy with flavors like PB Fudge, Lemon Blossom, Mint Cookies & Cream and oh my goodness, we could go on for days. They are by far, the most delicious cupcakes we have ever had and believe us when we say - we have had a lot of cupcakes! But, it isn't just about the cupcakes - these ladies are just as sweet! Read our one on one chat with the best bakers in town! Oh, and don't worry - they ship!

1.) Georgetown is such an amazing place! One of my favorites - the people, the places and of course, the cupcakes! What inspired Georgetown Cupcake?

Our grandmother was a huge influence on us growing up and taught us everything we know about baking. We loved baking with her, and we always dreamed of opening a bakery together some day. Finally, three years ago, we said “Let’s do it” because if we don’t do it now, we never will. So we both quit our jobs and took the plunge and opened Georgetown Cupcake on Valentine’s Day 2008.

2.) Being sisters, do you find it hard to work together?

We actually find it easier because we can be completely honest with each other and get into very heated “sister” fights and neither of us takes it personally. You can’t fight with other co-workers like you can with your sister. We don’t need to worry about hurting each other’s feelings — we tell it like it is! Then, even if we get into an intense argument with each other, ten minutes later, we’ll be grabbing lunch together.

3.) Do you have a favorite cupcake? If so, why?

Katherine: My favorite flavor is a toss up between Peanut Butter Fudge and Salted Caramel. I’m a sucker for salty-sweet!

Sophie: My favorite flavor is Chocolate reminds me of Nutella...which I was obsessed with when I was younger!!

4.) What do we have to look forward to going into Season 2 of DC Cupcakes?

Lots of fun stuff! Our cupcake sculptures get bigger and way more difficult. During the season, we do everything from making a wedding dress out of cupcakes, to making glow-in-the-dark cupcakes, to baking in the Pentagon, to almost getting arrested!! Also, there is a big surprise in the season finale!!

5.) Besides cupcakes - do you have any other favorite recipes or things you love to bake?

We love to bake fresh bread. We both love the smell of freshly baked bread!!

6.) Have you ever thought about writing a book?

We are working on our first book right now – which will be coming out by next November! We are super excited to be able to share all of our childhood memories and our cupcake recipes with our fans!

Katherine – Ten Things About Me

When I fly, I always choose the middle seat. I’m terrified of flying and when I sit in between two people, I feel safe!

I collect Essie nail polishes in every single shade of pink.

My favorite movie is “Bride Wars”. I’ve seen it 12 times!

I’m terrified of going to the dentist. I actually jumped out of the chair once and left in the middle of a procedure!

My favorite flowers are pink peonies.

My favorite band is The Killers. I could listen to their albums all day long and not get sick of them!

I’m named after our grandmother, who taught us how to bake.

I love cleaning! I’m a total neat freak...except for my closet which is a total disaster!

My favorite food is Greek. I’m addicted to Greek olives!

My favorite cereal is Peanut Butter Puffins.


Sophie – Ten Things About Me

I’m left-handed.

I love French Vanilla coffee. I can’t function without it!

I never wear my glasses because I can never find them.

My favorite shampoo is Oribe. I love love love the smell!

I hate trying on clothes when shopping. I always make Katherine try them on for me, then buy a size smaller!

My favorite TV show was Arrested Development.

I’m named after our great-grandmother.

I live across the street from Katherine.

I love almond milk.

I’m paranoid of swimming in open water. I only swim in pools.

Are you ready to win a dozen of the most delish cupcakes you will ever lay your teeth into? Read on to enter to win a dozen FABulous cupcakes from Georgetown Cupcake!
Make sure you tune in to the season 2 premiere of DC Cupcakes this Friday, Feb. 25th
on TLC at 10pm. Set your TiVo now!

Giveaway: Assorted dozen of cupcakes from Georgetown Cupcake shipped right to your door!

How to win: Let us know what cupcake you are drooling over. This comment is mandatory. You also MUST be a follower of cupcakeMAG and cupcakeMAG for Littles. 

For extra entries you can do the following below and leave us a separate comment for each letting us know. The more you comment the better chance you have to win!

1. Follow cupcakeMAG on Twitter

2. Make sure you "Like" us on our Facebook page

3. Make sure you "Like" Georgetown Cupcake on Facebook. 

4. Subscribe to our updates (top right corner above) - just sign up with your email!

5. Tweet about this giveaway and include @cupcakemag -- you must tweet, not just follow.

6. Tweet about this giveaway and include @GTownCupake -- you must tweet, not just follow.

7. Write a blog post about this giveaway on your blog and send us the link.

We will select a winner via on Monday, Feb. 28th at 11pm. Please make sure you enter the mandatory comment first before doing the extra entries.


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