Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sterling Silver Jewelry Makes a Perfect Gift

There are times that we are all stumped on a gift for a loved one or friend. After all, what do we get for someone that seems to have everything? A tight budget is also a concern with tight financial times causing all of us to cut back a bit. So we feel there are limited options for gifts. However, silver jewelry may be an option to explore. Sterling silver jewelry is made with a combination of silver and a small amount of copper, giving it a bright and shining appearance. Combined with gemstones and being highly polished, it gives an amazing sparkle that is sure to light up the smile on anyone’s face.

One of the first options offered is a stock made silver jewelry item, such as a ring or necklace. Being less expensive than gold, sterling silver jewelry is often more durable having a harder metal that withstands daily use. Gold can be weaker, given the karat weight that is used. Silver jewelry contains the same consistent strength in the metal, but mixes of different metals used to create the sterling silver jewelry may actually weaken the durability of the jewel piece. The purchaser should check whether the silver jewelry is mass-produced or hand-made. Hand-made sterling silver jewelry tends to be higher in quality and strength.

Another option in sterling silver jewelry is to request personalized items, like broaches, pins or belt buckles. Incorporating designs with personal meaning to the receiver of a gift offers a more personal touch to the gift. For example, designing a silver jewelry design that includes all of the birthstones of a mother’s children for a ring, necklace or bracelet, is a perfect gift for your mother, grandmother, or a true friend. The gift will be greatly cherished, and you are sure to be on their mind as the most thoughtful gift giver.

Another option in gifting sterling silver jewelry is to create a token trophy item for special occasions such as graduations, milestones in personal improvement programs or just as a token of love and friendship. Due to its long-lasting stability, the metal is a great choice for many gift ideas. The ideas are endless in creating the perfect gift design yourself, or finding one that is already created to fit the occasion. Silver jewelry allows all of these options, being affordable, versatile, and showing the care you put into your thoughts or personal designs.

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